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Beyoncé revisits country music and wins over critics with her new album

"Cowboy Carter", Beyoncé's new album, has just been released, and country music has taken center stage. Critics are full of praise for the new...

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations on American campuses : Nicole Bacharan denounces “an outburst of virulent anti-Semitism”

Boston, New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles... In these American cities, the pro-Palestinian movement is spreading to university campuses. Clashes and anti-Semitic demonstrations have led...

#SaveToomaj : calls to save Iranian rapper sentenced to death

Iranian authorities face mounting pressure to release and acquit prominent Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi, who has been sentenced to death for "corruption on earth"...

The Harvey Weinstein case: a new breach in justice and sexual Violence

A resounding decision has reignited debates over the American judicial system. A New York appeals court has overturned one of the rape and sexual...

Joe Biden prioritizes women’s health research

President Joe Biden has made a significant shift in healthcare policy by signing an executive order to prioritize research on women's health as a...

Nikki Haley, the voice of Republican reform, drops out of the presidential race

After representing Donald Trump on the global stage for two years, Nikki Haley emerged as a significant figure standing between the former president and...